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English translation for "weighing feeder"


Related Translations:
weighing:  称体重称重量秤量秤重过磅 称重过磅费;称量;起锚过称过秤/过磅费加权平重,压箱权重
weigh burette:  称量滴定管
flux weighed:  按通量平均的
batch weighing:  分批称重
static weighing:  动态称量
weighing bridge:  称量台台秤
weighing commission:  过磅费
weigh hopper:  称量斗,称量给料斗,称料漏斗称量漏科秤料斗料斗秤
weigh sth:  称某物
Example Sentences:
1.Similar in design to the continuous weigh feeders , capable of batches from ounces to tons , feeding materials from liquids and fine powders to fibrous or flaky materials
Similar Words:
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